News - October News

Well folks, we're ready to start a new season. Well, almost ready. Verla and I are planning to leave Niagara Falls tomorrow morning and arrive in Florida by auto train on Friday morning. Unfortunately hurricane Michael might interfere with the train schedule. If the train is cancelled, we will drive all the way and still hope to be there for the meeting.

Attached to this email you will find the October newsletter. Just click the link to open it. Once again we have to thank Mary Ramirez for a job well done.

We hope you will be able to join us for the first EAL meeting this Saturday at LEMA from 2 until 4. It's time to pay your dues for the coming year and say hello to all the friends you might not have seen since the spring. You are invited to tell us what art you have been working on for the summer and if possible, bring a sample. The photo accompanying this email is an oil painting based on a plein air study I painted on my trip to Itally in May. Verla and I are looking forward to hearing from you on Saturday.
