News - Board Minutes January 30, 2020


JANUARY 30, 2020

Present members included Verla Goudy, June Longnecker, Emma Michaels, Karen Keith, Gayle Harvey, Eileen Hinckle and Dorothy Lamb. June made the motion to accept last month’s minutes as amended; Emma seconded. Motion passed.

The League currently has $1491.08. June made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; Mary seconded. Motion passed.
There are currently 49 members including 11 new people.

Mary Ramirez suggested the idea of a ‘Technique Boutique’ as a presentation for next season.

The Annual Show will be held at A Dancer’s Place in Leesburg instead of the Unitarian Congregation in Eustis due to an unforeseen last minute situation. As of 1/30 there were 57 entries submitted. The proposed expenses are $1647 and so far we have received $1140 in donations and entries.

The Board agreed that March’s general meeting will be relocated to the Garden Room at the City of Eustis Facilities and Recreation building at 2214 Bates Ave.The Nominating Committe is currently working on the 2020-2021 Executive Board positions.
The next Board Meeting will be held Feb. 27 instead of March 5.

Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Lamb